
MGFCC Available Grants and Funding

The Joint TB/HIV Grant

Implementer: World Vision Malawi  |  Funding: USD   413795310

This TB/HIV program is based on the strategic objectives of the new National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2020–2025 and the National Strategic Plan for TB 2021-2025. The program is implemented by the Ministry of Health, responsible for interventions at primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities with a total grant amount of US$413,795,310.

2. Goals:

  • Reduce TB incidence to 102/100,000 population by 2025
  • Reduce TB mortality to 18/100,000 population by 2025
  • Contribute towards ending HIV and AIDS as a public health threat in Malawi by 2030

3. Target Group/Beneficiaries:

  • People living with HIV/AIDS and TB patients;
  • Young people aged 15-24;
  • Adolescent Girls and Young Women;
  • Key populations (Men who have Sex with Men, Sex Workers); and
  • General population.


4. Strategies:

  • Ensure uninterrupted supply of ARVs and other basic HIV commodities at all service delivery points;
  • Scale-up of testing and counseling (differentiated) to increase the proportion of PLHIV who know their status;
  • Improve ART uptake, retention and adherence through focused public and patient education and national scale-up of peer-support groups;
  • Ensure continuation of DOTs in all districts as the main TB management strategy;
  • Expand TB case detection through multiple strategies, including active case finding in health facilities, communities and other settings such as prisons and mines;
  • Improve diagnosis and treatment of MDR-TB cases;
  • Strengthen the TB laboratory network, including through expanded use of GeneXpert for early detection and treatment; expansion of microscopy services; and improvement in sample transportation systems;
  • Pursue scale-up of viral load monitoring for people living with HIV to improve quality of care, detect treatment failure and support timely switch to 2nd line ART;
  • Support communities through CSOs to participate in the HIV/TB response and to play a role in community systems, strengthening advocacy for removal of legal barriers and developing capacity to address needs of males, females, key populations and vulnerable groups in TB/HIV interventions.


5. Planned Activities:

  • Procuring HIV commodities including ARVs, male condoms, Rapid Diagnostic Tests, as well as Opportunistic Infections and STI medicines;
  • Procuring first and second-line anti-TB drugs;
  • Procuring laboratory supplies for HIV and TB programs, including microscopes and other
  • health equipment for TB and MDR-TB case detection and diagnosis;
  • Building health workers capacity through trainings, including on TB/HIV, management of STIs,
  • TB screening and active case finding;
  • Strengthening TB laboratory network to provide comprehensive quality services for timely detection of TB and DR TB;
  • Expanding TB testing and diagnosis including GeneXperts sites;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the national response at national, district and community levels;
  • Conducting active TB case finding among populations at risk through use of mobile equipment, door-to-door screening, contact investigation, and targeted strategies in specific settings;
  • Strengthening of health information systems and M&E.

The Joint TB/HIV Grant New Fund Model 3 – World Vision Malawi

1. Summary:

This TB/HIV program is based on the strategic objectives of the new National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2020–2025 and the National Strategic Plan for TB 2021-2025. The program

is also implemented by World Vision Malawi responsible for supporting interventions at community level with a total grant amount of US$20,058,104.


2. Goals:

  • Reduce TB incidence to 102/100,000 population by 2025
  • Reduce TB mortality to 18/100,000 population by 2025
  • Contribute towards ending HIV and AIDS as a public health threat in Malawi by 2030

3. Target Group/Beneficiaries:

  • People living with TB patients and the families;
  • Adolescent Girls and Young Women;
  • Key populations (Men who have Sex with Men, Sex Workers); and

4. Strategies

  • Expand provision of YFHS, SGBV package for AGYW and KPs at community level
  • Scale up programs to improve treatment retention and adherence for adolescents and key populations
  • Last mile condom distribution
  • Promote use of service outreach activities for KPs
  • Improve ART uptake, retention and adherence through focused public and patient education and national scale-up of peer-support groups;
  • Ensure continuation of DOTs in all districts as the main TB management strategy;
  • Expand TB case detection through multiple strategies, including active case finding in health facilities, communities and other settings such as prisons and mines;
  • Support communities through CSOs to participate in the HIV/TB response and to play a role in community systems, strengthening advocacy for removal of legal barriers and developing capacity to address needs of males, females, key populations and vulnerable groups in TB/HIV interventions.

5. Planned activities

  • Prevention programs for Key Affected Population (Men who have Sex with Men, Sex Workers);
  • Prevention programs for Adolescents and Youth in and out of schools;
  • Community responses and system strengthening including monitoring, capacity and linkages building and advocacy;
  • Community TB care delivery.

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